24. Why? 3. Furthermore, what does Mr krempe say about Victor's studies? 4.7/5 (493 Views . 4. Name at least three themes of Frankenstein. Victor Frankenstein is the protagonist of Frankenstein. What realization does Victor make as soon as he leaves his home? Summary. He comes from a distinguished family who have held a number of important positions. Though regarded in France as one of that country's greatest poets, he is better known abroad for such novels as Notre-Dame de Paris (1831) and Les Misrables (1862). He succumbs to a nervous fever "for several months. What last requests does Victor's mother make before she dies? Victor's life was full of happiness and he was taught patience, charity, and self-control, ever since he was an infant. Valjean becomes a good person and spends life helping others while Javert relentlessly pursues him, complicating his life. He claims that "a resistless and almost frantic impulse urged [him] forward," and he feels that he lost "all soul or sensation" except for the one goal: making his creature. 22. Brief Plot Summary -- Ex-convict, hardened by prison life, has life-changing encounter with Bishop. Two years pass without a visit home after his mother's death. Victor is also the unbridled ego who must satisfy his urge to know all and use that learning to create a new race of man. One stormy night, after months of labor, Victor completes his creation. His doting parents lavish him with attention. 19. Victor is an intelligent and ambitious youth who goes to study medicine to follow in. The adopted daughter of a peasant family; she is taken in by the Frankensteins. Elizabeth embodies the novel's . In the 1818 edition of the novel, Elizabeth is Victor's cousin, the child of Alphonse Frankenstein's sister. Describe the shift in tone when Victor says, "Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier the man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow." "My father was not scientific, and I was left to struggle with a child's blindness, added to a student's thirst for knowledge." -Victor. How does Victor describe the . What factors in his childhood predispose him for the kind of solitary effort he makes in his studies? Analysis: Chapters 1-2. 6. Letters 1, 2, 3, and 4 LITERATURE STUDY QUESTIONS . What does Victor say he will now do ? A young Swiss boy, he grows up in Geneva reading the works of the ancient and outdated alchemists, a background that serves him ill when he attends university at Ingolstadt. How does Victor cope with the death of his mother? Caroline Beaufort Frankenstein's last wish before dying is for Victor and Elizabeth to be happily married. Safie's father goes back home to Turkey out of fear. Provide evidence from the text to support your response. Summary. What surprises him about the way the creature he has brought to life looks? He was the youngest son of Joseph Lopold Sigisbert Hugo (1774-1828) a general in the Napoleonic army, and Sophie Trbuchet (1772-1821); the couple had two more sons: Abel Joseph (1798-1855) and Eugne (1800-1837). life was full of happiness and he was taught patience, charity, and self-control, ever since he was an infant. 5. The two go to the monster's squalid hut on the mountain, and the . 3. Walton's letters to his sister form a frame around the main narrative, Victor Frankenstein's tragic story. *Consider the effect guilt has on his health.' and find homework help for other Frankenstein questions at eNotes Search this site Go And, of course, the monster is compared to Adam. What does Victor learn from M. Waldman? He was adored in the family at first for being their only child. Also, what does Victor credit for giving him? Why does Victor's father want him to study at the University of Ingolstadt? Victor was the oldest child of the Frankenstein family. What warnings does Victor give Walton? 7. 15. Alphonse gives his friend a decent burial and sends Caroline to his family in Geneva to recover. Similarly, what was Victor Frankenstein's childhood like? What last requests does Victor's mother make before she dies? Click to see full answer. You might have noticed some Christian influences in this text. Describe an occurrence during this time that has a significant impact on Victor. a. Describe Waldman and Krempe. In chapter 4, Victor talks about becoming "capable of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter." How does he learn to do this? 17. Felix's family was stripped of their title & money, so he rushed back to Paris to try to help but couldn't. They've been exiled & Felix didn't have Safie at first, so that's why they're so unhappy. He held a conceited opinion that he could usurp God's role. 1. He is a scientist obsessed with the combination of alchemy and chemistry in relation to dead organisms. Justine was taken in by the Frankenstein family who offered to care from her in lieu of her own abusive mom, who attempted to reconcile after Justine's siblings all died but ended up dying as well. What does Frankenstein do after his creation comes to life? He was adored in the family at first for being their only child. Upon his recovery, he finds himself still in prison. During Victor's childhood and teenage years, many people and events had an effect on who Victor is and who he becomes. What realization does Victor make as soon as he leaves his home? Victor Frankenstein is the protagonist of Mary Shelley's classic gothic horror novel first published in 1818. When he was with his friends and saw the way their parents acted, he. In Chapter 4 of Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, Victor Frankenstein's obsession with science and with overcoming death finally culminate as he finishes his studies and starts his life's work. 4. Victor acted wild, loud, unrestrained when he realized the monster had left his room. On August 13, after eight days of recovering his health, how does Victor react when Walton comments that "one man's life is a small price to pay for the knowledge I seek"? Their parents decide to settle down in Geneva to concentrate on raising their family. Then surprised by the way that his skin was yellow and his lips were black and his eyes water like dun white sockets. At the age of thirteen, he becomes fascinated with the work of Cornelius Agrippa (a Roman alchemist who attempted to turn tin into gold and men into lions). Victor remembers that he had a happy childhood and said his parents were possessed by the spirit of kindness and indulgence. Why did Justine plead guilty in Frankenstein? In shock, Victor falls into convulsions and suffers a long illness. 2. 2. Victor calls the . Therefore, Victor does not see him as a being that could be part of the human community. How does Victor think of his older science as opposed to modern science ? Victor is a human, and the creature is currently a "lifeless thing". Why does Victor's father want him to study at the University of Ingolstadt? Victor . Victor of Aveyron (French: Victor de l'Aveyron; c. 1788 - 1828) was a French feral child who was found at the age of around 9. There he learns about modern science and, within a few years, masters all that his professors have to teach him. 20. How does Victor describe the . This . Their "duty from heaven" was to raise Victor is be good and their guidance is responsible for all his future happiness or misery. Provide evidence from the text to support your response. how does Victor characterize his early years? Victor introduces his life-long friend Henry Clerval, a creative child who studies literature and folklore. What factors in his childhood predispose him for the kind of solitary effort he makes in his studies? 20. The power of ambition and knowledge- Shelly mentions this to show that although knowledge and ambition can be good, it is important that we use them correctly. His goal is to achieve something great and morally good, which will secure him a lasting reputation. Revenge and prejudice- a big theme was about outer appearances of the monster as the human judged him based off of it and treated him badly because of the way he looked. How does Victor respond to him? How does Victor characterize his early years? How does the 34-year-old Shelley present her 18-year-old self? victor described them as happy and perfect. How does Victor cope with the death of his mother? 23. Elizabeth Lavenza. His father unsuccessfully attempts at convincing him to get over his grief and depression, Victor's father does not know of Victor's guilt. How do Elizabeth and Henry affect Victor's life and his studies? 23 Votes) Victor gets seized with remorse and guilt because of her unjust death. After trial and error, and quite a bit of grave robbing, Victor manages to animate a creature of his own making. Up to this point, he and Elizabeth have been the primary receivers of their parents' love. How does Victor characterize his early years? He rushes to the next room and tries to sleep, but he is troubled by nightmares about Elizabeth and his mother's corpse. Loneliness and alienation are both significant symbolic themes of the book. How does Victor's character change as he studies for two years at Ingolstadt? The narrator, Victor Frankenstein, relates his history. Victor's father's best friend was Caroline Beaufort's father. Elizabeth comments that Swiss peasants are more dignified and moral compared to the ignorant peasants of other countries. The Hugo family came from Nancy in Lorraine where Victor Hugo's grandfather was . When Victor sees the body, he does indeed react with horror, for the victim is Henry Clerval, with the black marks of the monster's hands around his neck. You could even go so far as to call Victor's death a sacrifice that makes . Victor is now 17 years old and ready to become a student at the University of Ingolstadt in Ingolstadt, Germany (near Munich), but an outbreak of scarlet fever at home delays his departure. also his body is superior. " Henry notices that Victor is unwell, thin, and pale. What factors in his childhood predispose him for the kind of solitary effort he makes in his studies? 2. His father tells him that the book is pure trash; Victor does not heed him, however, since his father does not explain why the book is trash. But the monster is also compared to the fallen angelSatanand Victor takes on comparisons to God. All the main characters of the story feel loneliness and alienation at some point. What effects (if any) does Victor think telling his story could have for Walton, and separately for himself? Victor describes the processes he goes through to learn how to create life: "To examine the causes of life, we must first have recourse to death. How does Victor view himself after this discovery? Victor calls the . Victor goes into solitude. "The natural phenomena that take place every day before our eyes did not escape my examinations." -Victor. 1831 Introduction and 1818 Preface (pages 19-27) 1. How does Victor characterize his early years? 18. He wants Safie to follow & tells him to forget Christian Felix. We learn about his early childhood, about the way his parents met and fell in love, and the way he met his own future wife. Why? Summary of Victor Vasarely. Not fully aware of the consequences of his creating a new race of humans, he spends his entire life trying to destroy the same creation. Victor Hugo, in full Victor-Marie Hugo, (born February 26, 1802, Besanon, Francedied May 22, 1885, Paris), poet, novelist, and dramatist who was the most important of the French Romantic writers. How does Victor characterize his early years? Around the age of seven, Victor 's younger brother is born. Return to list of English 207 reading questions. The picture that Victor draws of his childhood is an idyllic one. I became acquainted . Around the age of seven, Victor 's younger brother is born. Their parents decide to settle down in Geneva to concentrate on raising their family. His mother and "cousin" both fight the disease; Caroline Beaufort Frankenstein dies, and Elizabeth recovers. Before Caroline dies, she reveals her unrealized plans for the marriage of Victor and . How does Victor view himself after this discovery? 16. Who is Cornelius Agrippa and how does Victor find out about him ? He wakes to discover the monster looming over his bed with a . Who is Henry Clerval? He claims that "a resistless and almost frantic impulse urged [him] forward," and he feels that he lost "all soul or sensation" except for the one goal: making his creature. During Victor's childhood and teenage years, many people and events had an effect on who Victor is and who he becomes. In the 1831 edition, Victor's mother rescues Elizabeth from a destitute peasant cottage in Italy. How well does Victor progress during the next two years? Victor, the main character of the book by Mary Shelley, is a symbolic element of ambition devoid of responsibility or conscience. In pursuit of this goal, he creates the Monster, but his pursuit of his goal also causes his conflict with the Monster. How does this event help develop the character of Victor? Victor takes a tour of a nearby mountain and glacier on Mount Montanvert to refresh his tortured soul. On a chill night of November, Victor finally brings his creation to life. The creature is just a "thing", he is an object. Victor-Marie Hugo was born on 26 February 1802 in Besanon in Eastern France. Victor remains ill for two months. 21. Describe an occurrence during this time that has a significant impact on Victor. How does Victor characterize his early years? " He walks in town to "avoid the wretch. How does this event help develop the character of Victor? How does she come to be part of Victor's family? Upon his discovery, he was captured multiple times, running away from civilization approximately eight times. An orphan, four to five years younger than Victor, whom the Frankensteins adopt. 17. What warnings does Victor give Walton? How does Victor respond to the actual creation of life? The right answer is "d. He views it with horror and runs to hide from it." Victor Frankenstein is dedicated to creating a giant human being, sacrificing contact with family and health, and after two years he is successful. 19. Not only is he considered the most famous feral child, but his case is also the most documented case of a feral child. Nonetheless, the reader senses, even in these early passages, that the stability and . He didn't think another kid could wish for a more perfect childhood. Who is Elizabeth? During this time, Victor was born and lavished with attention. Walton captains a North Pole-bound ship that gets trapped between sheets of ice. Until he was five, Victor was an only child, and both he and his parents felt the absence of other children strongly. While on the glacier, the monster confronts his maker. How does Victor initially choose the teachers that he will study under at Ingolstadt? Seeking a better climate, the couple moves to Italy for a short period. Summary: Chapter 5. Earlier in the. Beaufort fell into poverty and eventually died. In turn, the creature begins . 21. From 1818 to present-day Hollywood, the story of Victor Frankenstein and his reanimated, stitched-together corpse has inspired (some would say) the very idea of modern science fiction and countless essays, movies, novels, songs . Victor's childhood is a good one. What do his criteria for choosing mentors suggest about his character? 17. Examine an in-depth analysis of Frankenstein's character traits including intelligence,. Victor's mother pleads with the peasant family to take her in as . (1-3) 5. Though he had selected the creature's parts because he considered them beautiful, the . To start off, there's the creator/creation paradigm. He comes from a distinguished family who have held a number of important positions 2. Victor's life story is at the heart of Frankenstein. The Introduction (pp. 5. During a two-year period, Alphonse visits Caroline and they eventually became husband and wife. 1. the punishments were not super strict because they wanted the family to be happy and get along (1-3) He was an only child. 19-25) was written for the 1831 edition of Frankenstein and so represents Shelley's thoughts fifteen years after writing the book. he developed a passion for learning How did Elizabeth become part of Victor's family she was adopted Who is Henry Clerval he was the son of a merchant Frankenstein stands as a relatively early novel, that literary form only beginning in the mid-1700's. The very first work of this "new form" (from which the Latin term "novel" comes) is considered . Upon the opening of the creature's "dull yellow eye," Victor feels violently ill, as though he has witnessed a great catastrophe. In chapter 4, Victor talks about becoming "capable of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter." How does he learn to do this? Source (s) Frankenstein. Who does Victor favor? How does Victor characterize his early years? 1. He then explains how his dream vanished and . However, Victor is angry with his creation, and leaves, fleeing. Victor Frankenstein is the main character of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. How does Victor characterize the interests and characters of Clerval, Elizabeth, and himself ? Though loss aboundsthe poverty of Beaufort and the orphaning of Elizabeth, for instanceit is always quickly alleviated by the presence of a close, loving family. Horrified by the creature, Victor abandons him. Victor seems ready to engage in a combat to the death, but the monster convinces Victor to listen to his story. 16. What does that do to Victor's response? The monster describes his first days of life as imbalance and a time of struggle. In Mary Shelley's 1818 publication 'Frankenstein', Victor Frankenstein is the main protagonist of the novel. (1-3) He was loved by his parents and protected Elizabeth. Victor introduces his life-long friend Henry Clerval, a creative child who studies literature and folklore. Frankenstein Summary and Analysis of Chapters 5-8. Frankenstein Sr. rescued the young Caroline and married her when she came of age. How does she come to be part of Victor's family? Chapter Four 1. He even receives a present, in the form of Elizabeth Lavenza, from his parents. 18. Answered by jill d #170087 10 years ago 1/31/2012 2:28 AM. How does Victor characterize his early years? What does M. Waldman say in describing modern chemistry that changes Victor's mind ? as happy with loving parents What factors in Victor's life prepare him for a life of solitary studies? How does Victor's character change as he studies for two years at Ingolstadt? He was happy at the fact that he got his creation to work. Describe Waldman and Krempe. Who does Victor favor? Victor is bitter with disappointment because he has given life to a "demoniacal corpse. Robert Walton. Although he does not describe Victor's storytelling as such, Walton has in fact witnessed a theatrical performance. Victor clearly does not recognize the creature as a human, and in fact sees him as something inferior. 8. While waiting for the ice to thaw, he and his crew pick up Victor, weak and emaciated from his long chase after the monster. Who is Elizabeth? Up to this point, he and Elizabeth have been the primary receivers of their parents' love. Victor was the third son . His senses weren't coordinated; he struggled to feed and protect himself, and how he didn't understand why people were running away from him. 2. Victor Vasarely provided us with some of the most distinctive images and optical effects in 20 th-century art.From his days as a commercial graphic designer in 1930s-40s Paris to his final decades developing and marketing what he hoped would become a new universal language for art and architectural design, Vasarely steered a unique course, combining virtuosic . But when he brings it to life, its awful appearance horrifies him. 17. Early life. 16. Victor was adored by his parents, and he adored them in turn; his childhood, from the very first, was wholly idyllic. Victor is a modern scientist unleashed upon an unsuspecting society. Themes -- (The fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.) Who is Elizabeth? was the oldest child of the Frankenstein family. How does Victor's father respond, and how does Victor comment on that response?